2018第四屆 地球春浪大賞

The Fourth Session Global SpringWave Awards -2018

▶ 無論有簽屬經紀唱片合約,或沒有簽署經紀唱片合約的創作人,皆可參加。
▶ 參賽人數不限;可以團體參賽、可以單人參賽。不限國籍、沒有年齡限制,在學或社會工作均可。
▶ 投稿及參賽歌曲必須是未曾公開發行、販售以及參與販售的作品 (2018年1月1日後發表公開之作品不在此限制)。    

(I) Eligibility
▶ The Awards opens to individuals and music groups with or without album contracts with agents, and does not have an age limitation. Students are accepted.
▶ Submitted musical pieces must never be officially released. (Those that publicly played after Jan. 1, 2018 are accepted). 


報名時間:2018年2月6日(二)-2018年4月29日(日) 23:59時止。
▶ 報名網站:請至 https://goo.gl/Srf45X 報名。 

▶ 需附上之報名資料
• 成員簡介 (250-400字之間)  
• 成員編制 (必須清楚填上所有成員之本名、團員人數及各團員所負責之樂團位置,若入選後,非報名資料上成員參賽則以棄權論)    
• 音樂理念 (200-300字)    
• 演出經歷或得獎經驗  
• 3首DEMO+完整歌詞    
• DEMO規格: 請以壓縮檔方式上傳,每首長度4-5分鐘,限MP3格式。    
• LIVE演出影片規格: 請提供參賽者本人演出作品的有效影片連結。  

(II) QUALIFYING ROUND Submission and award details
Submission time: From Feb.6,2018 to Apr.29,2018.at 23:59.
▶ Sign up for a website: https://goo.gl/Srf45X 

▶ Attach with following information:
✔Contact Info of participants: Full Name, E-Mail address, cell phone number.
✔Photos of participant: at least 2 MB, (in JPG or PNG file).
•Introduction of individual participant. (between 250-400 words).
•Members of the participating music group. (Please clearly mention the number of members and their position. Information shall not be changed after the qualifying round). •200-300 words stating the inspiration of your work.
•Experience in performing and/or list of awards received.
✔Original musical pieces:  
•3 Demos, and Include lyrics.
•For Demos: 4-5 minutes long, in MP3, compressed file.
•For LIVE performances video: provide links. 


▶ 選拔方式: 主辦單位從報名樂團提供之作品DEMO中,評選出前10強,進入現場複賽。

▶ Voting: The judges will select 10 participants/groups from the DEMO or LIVE entries for semi-finals.
TOP 10 announced: The top 10 finalist will be announced on May.4,2018 on SpringWave Facebook. 


• 台灣地區/補貼NT$3,000元(每人)
• 台灣以外地區/補貼NT$7,000元(每人)
• 2天免費住宿 (2018年5月25及5月26日,位於墾丁的飯店)
• 至墾丁春浪音樂節(5/26)當天,現場服務處登記後,該團成員皆可免費入場觀賞節目。     

Subsidies for TOP 10 Finalist 
• Local participants: NT$3,000 for each participant.
• International participants: NT$7,000 per each participant.
• Two days of free hotel accommodations in Kenting on May 25 and 26, 2018.
• Free entrance to SpringWave Kenting May 26rd event (register at the information desk of SpringWave Kenting). 


▶ 比賽時間:2018年5月25日(五) /下午1:00-2:30
▶ 比賽地點:2018墾丁春浪音樂節活動現場     

(III) SEMI-FINAL ROUND Submission and award details 
▶ Voting: the jury will select 4 participants/groups from the top 10 finalist after live performances for the final round.
▶ Competition time: May.25, 2018 (Friday) 1:00pm–2:30pm.
▶ Competition venue: 2018 Springwave Music And Art Festival kenting Scene.


選拔方式:由評審團,於5/26比賽現場自6組中 (2組為2016地球春浪大賞大陸區年度冠亞軍樂團、及5/25入選的4組中),評選出前5名。
▶ 比賽時間:2018年5月26日(六)下午1:30-3:00
▶ 比賽地點:2018墾丁春浪音樂節活動現場  

(IV) FINAL ROUND Submission and award details
Voting: The jury will select out TOP 5 within 6 competition groups (Including the 2016 Springwave Awards China Area Champion and The first runner-up, and also the 4 groups which selected on 5/25) on 5/26.
▶ Competition time: May.26, 2018 (SAT) 1:30pm–3:00pm
▶ Competition venue: 2018 Springwave Music And Art Festival kenting Scene.


• 獎金NT$50,000
• 將獲邀至《2018-2019年春浪音樂節》亞洲巡迴演出二站的獨立演出機會。
• 巡迴期間演出者之機票、飯店、在地交通,由主辦單位全額支付。
• 獎金NT$30,000
• 將獲邀《2018-2019年春浪音樂節》亞洲巡迴演出二站的獨立演出機會。
• 巡迴期間演出者之機票、飯店、在地交通,由主辦單位全額支付。 

Awards for Finalists
• NT$50,000 cash award.
• Invitation to perform at least two Spring Wave Asia festivals in 2018-2019.
• All expenses of the performer(s) including airfare, hotels and local transportation will be paid by the Organizer.
• NT$30,000 cash award • Invitation to perform at least two Spring Wave Asia festivals in 2018-2019.
• All expenses of the performer(s) including airfare, hotels and local transportation will be paid by the Organizer.
✔ THIRD PLCAE: NT$20,000 cash award 
✔ FOURTH PLACE: NT$10,000 cash award  


1. 現場複賽、總決賽,必須是LIVE演出,不得使用卡拉帶進行比賽,音效控制台可以使用。
2. 入選樂團之參賽成員將以報名資料上的人數進行比賽,現場比賽人數不得進行更改,違者將失去參賽資格。
3. 現場複賽、總決賽,樂團之先後上台比賽順序,將在當天「報到時間」進行現場抽籤,樂團不得私下自行協調更改。
4. 所有參賽者報名比賽,即同意主辦單位授權於相關指定合作媒體或平台,包括參賽者之姓名、基本資料、肖像、錄影、錄音著作,於各相關活動宣傳品、報導刊登及各媒體平台做播放或轉播(包含事後轉播),不另計酬使用。
5. 若有抄襲或欺瞞偽造資料情事,主辦單位有權取消其參賽資格,及得獎獎項/獎金。
6. 主辦單位有權決定取消、終止、修改或暫停本活動。 

(V) Terms and Conditions
1. Must be LIVE performances during the On-the-spot semi-finals and finals, no karaoke is allowed, sound console can be used during the competition.
2. The number of participating members must match with the registration information , no changes is allowed ,Offenders will lose their qualifications.
3. The Competition order is up to the draw when registering on the day of competition. no privately changes is allowed.
4. Upon submission, the participant agrees to authorize the Organizer to make publicity, broadcast or live transmission of the Awards programs in media or other platform including the use of the participant's name, background information, images, audio and video recordings. The participant will receive no remuneration for such use. 
5. The Organizer reserves the right to eliminate the participant from the competition or cancel the award given to the participant should the participant be found to have involved in copyright violation, cheating or forgery. 
6. Organizer reserves the right to cancel, terminate, revise or suspend the Awards activities. 


Event Organizer: Friendly Dog Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Event website: http://www.spring-wave.com
Contact: Lisa Sun at 886-2-2356-9888 ext. 12
Contact: Syun Huang at 886-2-2356-9888 ext. 21

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