Wings Of Piano International Music Competition was established by V.K in 2012 and is held every year. The competition aims to promote pop instrumental music culture and encourage playing V.K’s work, also to provide a performing stage for talents and boost performing confidence.
- 競賽項目
- 鋼琴或其他樂器演奏
- 參賽資格
- 凡演奏V.K克曲目者皆可報名,不限年齡、不限國籍。
- 鋼琴組分為青少年組(18 歲以下,1997 年以後出生者)及成人組(18 歲以上,1997 年以前出生者),需個人報名。 其他樂器組不分組別,不分年齡,可團體報名(最多三人團體)。
- 參賽者同一組別僅可投稿報名一次,但可跨組報名。
- 報名投稿日期:自 2015/7/01 起至 2015/8/5 止
- 公告入圍者名單:2015/8/31
- 決賽日期:2015/9/26
- 蘆洲功學社音樂廳 新北市蘆洲區中山二路162號2F
- 初賽
- 由評審依投稿影片進行評分。
- 各組分數排序前10名者即進入決賽,如該組別內人氣最高者未入圍也將獲得進入決賽資格。
- 決賽
- 入圍決賽之參賽者必須於決賽現場參加比賽。
- 其他樂器組如為團體入圍決賽,需與初賽相同團體成員參加決賽。
比賽評審 由主辦單位聘請知名鋼琴演奏家及流行音樂業界工作者共同擔任評審。
網路初賽評分標準 音樂性詮釋50%、演奏技巧35%、人氣15%。
現場決賽評分標準 音樂性詮釋40%、演奏技巧30%、舞台魅力15%、服裝15%。
- 第一名:獎金新台幣壹萬伍仟元整及V.K克大師班一堂課
- 第二名:獎金新台幣壹萬元整
- 第三名:獎金新台幣伍千元整
- 第一名:獎金新台幣壹萬元整及V.K克大師班一堂課
- 第二名:獎金新台幣伍仟元整
- 第三名:獎金新台幣參仟元整
- 第一名:獎金新台幣壹萬元整
- 第二名:獎金新台幣伍仟元整
- 第三名:獎金新台幣參仟元整
以上得獎者皆獲獎盃一座、獎狀一張、伴奏王Credit Gift Card(依名次獲100、50、25Credits)、伴奏王V.K克曲目套裝琴譜
自報名日起至8/31 0:00止參賽影片獲最高人氣者
【 更多詳細資料請至比賽官網 】
The competition is open to candidates who play a song composed by V.K.
Candidates of all nationalities, of all age can participate.
Piano category is divided into Adult group (Over 18 years old) and Junior group (Under 18 years old).
Instrumental category can be applied as group (maximum 3 people, no age limit, free combination of instruments)
Participants can only apply once for each category.
Competition Dates
Application:From 2015/7/01 To 2015/8/5
Announcement of Finalists:2015/8/31
Final Competition (Live Round):2015/9/26
Final Competition Venue:KHS Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
Add:2F, No. 162, Zhong Shan 2nd Road, Luchou, Taipei, Taiwan
Competition Procedure
The competition consists of Preliminary Video Round and Final Round.
Preliminary Video Round
The jury will grade the videos clips submitted by the participants.
10 participants with the highest scores for each category group can enter into the Final Round. Participant who did not qualify for the final round but has the highestonline popularity will also beeligible to enter the final competition.
Final Round
Participants who are eligible for the Final Round mustattend the final competition in Taipei.
Participants who compete in the Instrumental category as group must compete with the same group member for the final round.
The Jury and judging criteria
The Jury
The organizer will invite well-known pianists and other pop music industry musicians to be the judges.
Preliminary Video Round Judging Criteria
Music Interpretation 50%, Performing Skill 35%, Online Popularity 15%
Final Competition Judging Criteria
Music Interpretation 40%, Performing Skill 30%, Charisma 15%, Costume 15%
Main Prizes
Adult Piano Group
- First Prize: NT$15,000 & V.K master class
- Second Prize: NT$10,000
- Third Prize: NT$5,000
Junior Piano Group
- First Prize: NT$10,000 & V.K master class
- Second Prize: NT$5,000
- Third Prize: NT$3,000
Instrumental Group
- First Prize: NT$10,000
- Second Prize: NT$5,000
- Third Prize: NT$3,000
* All of the above winners will also receive a trophy, a certificate and credit gift card from Music Play Along
Best Remake Award
The award is given to the participant who best remakes V.K’s song.
A trophy, a certificate, sound module software and Music Play Alongcredit gift card.
Most Popular Award
The award is given to the participant with the highest online votes from the application date to 8/31 00:00.
A trophy, a certificate, sound module software and Music Play Alongcredit gift card.
Lucky Draw Event
All the participating voters will be eligible for the lucky draw 10 voters will have a chance to win “Best Of V.K Intermediate Piano Collection”.
※All the finalists will receive a certificate of participation.
※The date and venue for the master class will be notified otherwise.