1. 影片需完整呈現參賽者演奏樂器之影像畫面。
2. 上傳至YouTube影片,請於標題註明:姓名及報名組別。
3. 影片不得進行影音剪輯等後製行為。
4. 影片不得冒名頂替,同一組別不得重複報名。
◆ 凡報名之參賽者即視同承認本比賽之各項規定,主辦單位有修正權並保留最終決定權 ◆
- 決賽參賽編號將於晉級名單公布後由主辦單位代為抽籤,家長與參賽者不得有議。
- 主辦單位將另行寄發『決賽參賽通知書』。比賽前一週如未收到者,請速與主辦單位聯絡,以確保您的權益。
- 決賽參賽者未報到或於比賽現場司儀唱名三次不到者視同放棄比賽資格。
- 決賽參賽者不得於比賽現場要求更改曲目。
- 參賽者應遵守簡章與會場公告之規則,且應尊重服從評審團之裁決。
- 參賽者同意為參賽而提出的影片以及於比賽期間之所有表演,主辦單位均可進行錄影、錄音及攝影,並享有公開傳輸、公開播送、重製及散布前述相關影音檔案之權利。
- 若有未盡事宜及不可抗拒之情事,主辦單位擁有絕對裁定權及自主權。
- 參賽者有不當舉動查證屬實時,主辦單位有權取消參賽者資格。
WEBSITE: www.vk-competition.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VKCompetition
E-MAIL: tinygiant.tw@gmail.com
贊助單位:KHS功學社音樂中心、卓著文化事業有限公司、點子生活、Rayark Games、伴奏王Music Play Along、Muzik Online、飛天膠囊數位科技有限公司
Application method
1. Participants must upload videos to YouTube and set the video clip to share for public, provide the video link in the online application form.
2. Group participants please provide all members names.
The video must contain the participant
1. Playing one of V.K’s song (See Repertoire)
2. Performing an instrument
1. The video clip must fully show the participant playing the instrument.
2. Please state the participant’s name and category on the video clip’s title.
3. No editing of any kind is allowed for the video clips.
4. Video clips cannot be impersonated and must be performed by the participant, only one application video clip for one category.
By entering this competition, each participant, parent or legal guardian (if such participant is a minor) agrees to accept these rules and be bound by the decisions of Wings Of Piano International Music Competition, its judges and staff, which are final and binding in all matters.
- The order of performances in the Final Round shall be decided based on a drawing by the organizer.
- The Organizer will send out 『Final Competition Notice』by mail to the participants who are eligible for the final competition. If such notice isn't received 1 week prior to the final competition, please contact the organizer.
- Finalists who do not show up for the final competition are deemed for giving up the rights and qualification.
- Finalists cannot ask to change the music titles on the final competition day.
- All participants must follow the rules and guidelines by the organizer and accept the judgments by the judges. No objection or complaint shall be allowed concerning the decision made by the judges.
- Each participant hereby gives Wings Of Piano International Music Competition permission to record, use, duplicate, distribute, and/or modify creatively, derivative works for public display of the participant's performance in the competitions.
- The organizer holds the rights and ruling power with things that do not contain in the regulations or any unexpected incidents or any Force majeure incidents.
- The organizer has the rights to disqualify the participants when the participants appear to be dishonest in act during the competition.
Organizer: Tiny Giant Music Ltd., J’s Entertainment Inc.
WEBSITE: www.vk-competition.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VKCompetition
E-MAIL: tinygiant.tw@gmail.com
Sponsors: KHS Musical Center, Cho Publishing House, Say Digi, Rayark Games, Music Play Along, Muzik Online, E-Capsule